Anna Badur studied at the renowned Design Academy in Eindhoven. She has received multiple awards and prizes, and her work has been exhibited at several museums and international design events. Badur grew up in East Frisia on the North Sea, and her work testifies to a deep engagement with the sea, nature and the strong influences of the weather. Today the designer lives and works in Berlin, and she cooperates with craftsmen, architects, shops, restaurateurs and companies worldwide.

Badur combines creative independent work with commissioned projects, always at the intersection of industrial and one-of-a-kind production. In artistic experiments and by hand, she explores porcelain, textiles and natural stone, demonstrating an eye for color, shape and texture. Her designs are characterized by a fine sense of the essential as well as the highest demands on functionality and practicability. She celebrates the hand of the maker and the beauty of the unique while simultaneously crafting processes that ensure effective repetitive creation. This is how Anna Badur realizes inspiring objects – from initial concept to prototype construction and ultimately series production.

For any kind of collaboration or customized request please don't hesitate to contact us.


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2010 - 2012: Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Contextual Design, Master of Design
/ exam committee: Anne Mieke Eggenkamp, Joseph Grima, Louise Schouwenberg, Gijs Assman, Jan Konings, Sofie Laschaert and Gijs Bakker
2006 - 2010: Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, University of Arts Braunschweig, Industrial Design and Communication Design, Bachelor of Arts
/ exam committee: Kerstin Kaczmar and Michael Sans
2010: Internship at Designlabor Bremerhaven, International Design Institute, Germany

04/2013 - 09/2014 Research and Teaching assistance, Industrial Design, University of Arts Braunschweig
10/2016 - 02/2017 Lectureship, Product Design, Berlin University of the Arts
01/2020 Lecture at KH Berlin Weißensee
07/2020 Visiting mentor UDK Berlin
06/2021 Lecture at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

2019: Prize for Applied Art, Berliner Volksbank/Zeughausmesse, 3rd prize
2019: Korean International Ceramic Biennale, Nominee
2018: Ceramics Prize Frechen 2018, Finalist
2017: German Design Award 2018 Nominee
2017: Hessischer Staatspreis für das deutsche Kunsthandwerk, Nominee
2016: Marianne Brandt Contest, Product, Nominee
2016: We Love Design Award, Young Professional Product Design, Winner
2016: Pure Talents Contest 2016, Special Mention
2016: German Design Award 2016 – Newcomer, Nominee
2014: International Ceramics Festival Mino in Japan, Honorable Mention
2013: Lionel Design Award, fashion & textile, 3. Prize
2013: iF concept design award, Drawn by Nature, category: furniture, home textiles, fabrics
2011: Herzstück Neumärker, Public furniture for the City of Helmstedt, 3. prize
2010: Design for Change, Trust Design, Nominee, Paris, FR
2007: Das Goldene Sprungbrett, Hallenbad, Kulturzentrum am Schachtweg, 1. prize

2015: Artist in Residence at Kahla porcelain factory, Germany
2013: Artist in Residence at "Ćmielów" porcelain factory, Poland
2013: Artist in Residence at Kunstverein Kehdingen, Land Art Project, Germany

2016 Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum - National Museum of Dekorative Arts and Design, Trondheim, NO
2018 Ceramics Museum Bürgel - Bürgel, DE

KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan
Republic of Fritz Hansen
Hemro Group
Soho Myriad
Garcia Kaffeebar
Coeurage GmbH
Rec Bauelemente
The Botanical Room
Tornqvist Coffee Shop
Leroy Street Studio
Frau Gold Manufaktur 
Cafe Stüh33
Jacobi Kaffeebar
The Wave Project
Maren Jewellery

2020-02: Ambiente / Frankfurt, DE
2019-05: Radical Craft / Direktorenhaus Berlin
2019-03: Material District Rotterdam, NL
2019-02: R-evolve, Volvo Studios, Stockholm Design Week, SE
2019-01: Maison & Objet Paris, FR
2019-01: Trendset Munich, DE
18-09: Frechen Ceramics Prize 2018, Finalist Exhibition, DE
2018-11: Skopje Design Week, Macedonia
2018-12: Zeughausmesse, German Historical Museum, Berlin, DE
2018-05: Handmade in Germany Worldtour: ICFF, New York, USA
2018-02: Formland, Herning, DK
2018-01: Maison & Objet Paris, FR
2017-11: Christmas Edition 2017, Handwerksform Hannover, DE
2017-12: Zeughausmesse Berlin, DE
2017-10: Feinwerk, Schloss Fasanerie, Eichenzell, DE
2017-10: Blickfang Wien, Vienna, AT
2017-06: Alles Neu, State of Design Berlin 2017, Vollgutlager Alte Kindl Brauerei, Berlin, DE
2017-06: Tendence, Talents, Frankfurt, DE
2017-04: Salone Satellite, 20 Years of New Creativity, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, IT
2017-04:: Hungry for Design, LaDoDo Gallery, Via L. Muratori 11, 20135 Milan, IT
2016-10: Material-Effekte, Chemnitz Museum of Industry, Germany
2016-10: Broken White, Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2016-10: The wall, Nieuwe German Gestaltung #04, Biennale Interieur Kortrijk, Belgium
2016-06: True Blue, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim, NO
2016-04: Kahla Kreativ, Porzellanikon, Hohenberg a. d. Eger/Selb, DE
2016-04: Selected 2016, Designmonat Graz, AT
2016-05: State of design, Berlin, DE
2016-04: Salone Satellite, Salone del Mobile Milan, IT
2016-03: Dutch Pavillion at International Book Fair Bogotá, Columbia
2016-01: Pure Talents Contest, imm cologne, DE
2015-12 Habari, Vienna, AT
2015-12: Shanghai Arts and Crafts Technical University, Shanghai, CN
2015-11: The Fueled Crafts, Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design, Beijing, CN
2015-09: Stilwerk Designgallery Hamburg, DE
2015-09: Matter of Stuff at The Hospital Club, London Design Festival, GB
2015-09: Mint Gallery London, London Design Festival
2015-08: Kahla Kreativ Sonderausstellung, Bröhan Museum, Berlin, DE
2015-08: mediArt Luxembourg, LUX
2015-07: Kahla Kreativ, Kahla, DE
2015-04: Salone Satellite, Milan, In collaborazione con il Goethe-Institut Mailand, IT
2015-04: Grimsel, Basel, CH
2015-04: Blickfang Basel, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, CH
2015-03: Blickfang Stuttgart, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, DE
2015-03: Blickfang Munich, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, DE
2014-09: BIO 50, 24th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana, SLO
2014-11: Blickfang Hamburg, Messehallen, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, DE
2014-11: Blickfang Zurich, Kongresshaus, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, CH
2014-11: Blickfang Copenhagen, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, Oksnehallen, Copenhagen, DK
2014-10: Blickfang Vienna, presented by Republic of Fritz Hansen, MAK, Vienna, AT
2014-09: International Ceramics Festival '14 Mino, J
2014-09: MoOD, European Textiles Fair, Global Color Research, Brussels, BE
2014-04: Berlin Reflect, Salone del Mobile Milan, Ventura Lambrate, Milan, IT
2014-01: Maison & Objet, Elsewhere, landscape, curated by Elizabeth Leriche, Paris, FR
2013-12: Marche des Createurs, MUDAM, Luxembourg, LUX
2013-10: Dutch Design Week, ABN AMRO Hotspot, Strijp-S, Eindhoven, NL
2013-10: Kunstverein Kehdingen, DE
2013-06: Berlin Design Week, …yet to be discovered, Direktorenhaus, Berlin, DE
2013-05: Fashionclash Maastricht, SAMdecorfabriek Maastricht, fashion label AVADEM shows "Immersion" using Drawn by Nature fabrics, NL
2013-04: Nomadismi, Altai gallery & Lidewij Edelkoort, Milan, IT
2013-04: Linking Process, Design Academy Eindhoven, curated by Miriam van der Lubbe, Ventura Lambrate, Salone del Mobile, Milan, IT
2013-03: iF Concept Awards 2013, Cebit / Hannover, DE
2012-11: We Are Here, Schio Design Festival, Schio, IT
2012-10: Up Close Wide Open, Graduation Show 2012 _ Design Academy Eindhoven _ NL
2012-07: Master Graduation 2012, Design Academy Eindhoven, NL
2011-03: Landschap in perspectief, Maastricht, NL
2011: Design for Change, Paris, FR
2010: Leipziger Buchmesse, Leipzig, DE
2009: Concrete fair, Hannover, DE
2009-06: Schauwerk - Werkschau, Braunschweig, DE

2018/01: Design wird weiblich - article by Jasmin Jouhar in the Sunday edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAS)
2017/10: AD Germany
2017/08: designreport 4/2017
2017/04: Zeitmagazin
2016/06: Belle, AU
2016/05: Raum und Wohnen, CH
2016/02: Schöner Wohnen, DE
2016/02: Wohnrevue, CH
2016/01: Deko Finland, Nr.121, FI
2015/09: design report, #05/2015, DE
2015/09: Tagesspiegel, Wohnen Beilage, DE
2015/06: AIT, Bar Hotel Restaurant, DE
2015/06: Elles Decoration, GR
2015/05: Das ideale Heim, CH
2015/04: Elle Decoration, FR
2015/04: Textilrevue, CH
2015/02: Wohnrevue, CH
2015/01: Modulor, CH
2014/12: Elle decoration, #6, NL
2014/11: Das ideale Heim, #11, CH
2014/10: stilwerk Magazin, Winterausgabe, D
2014/10: Ambient magazine #113, SLO
2014/10: Der Standard, A
2014/06: by Lidewij Edelkoort
2014/09: Designing Everyday Life, BIO50 – 24th Biennial of Design Ljubljana
2013/11: Architectual Digest, #11, I
2013/11: LINDA.WONEN 11, NL
2013/09: AD Russia / #9 (121)
2013/06: Mix magazine / Milan review / #32
2013/04: /
2012/12: Frame Dergisi Türkiye
2011: Volume #4, Privatize!, Trust Design
2011: Trust Design Publication 4 / Public Trust
2011/02: RUM magazine
2011: Design for Change
2011: Made of Concrete / WGSN / by Heloisa Righetto
2010: Public Service Review #6 / Sience and Technology
2009: HBK-Katalog Volume 5
2008: HBK-Katalog Volume 4

Anna Badur
Crellestraße 3-4
10827 Berlin
+49 (0)30 260 323 31